Why do I need to register with SPN to play Cottam Adult baseball

A few reasons actually. First and foremost we go through SPN (Slo-Pitch National slo-pitch.com) for our group insurance. This provides peace of mind for the players in the event of injury. This is why we require your 6 digit SPN number as it is connected to you.

Second, no sand-baggers. When you register through SPN they will ask you some questions that will rank you at a certain experience and skill level. What we don’t want as a co-ed recreational league is to be having teams made up with with A ranked players. This would create and unfair advantage and ruin the enjoyment of the sport.

Third, rules. We will be playing under SPN rules and SPN umpires. Once you are registered with SPN you will have access to the rules, and many other resources.

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