* * * Saturday June 29th, Baseball Cancelled Due to Rain * * *

Our Board

While the members of our board, starting in the 2022 season will be new, they are certainly not new to baseball, nor new to Cottam Baseball. Let’s look a little deeper into our board members for the 2022 season.

Rick Mayea


Rick became involved in Cottam Baseball back in 1994 when his oldest Daughter Nicole started in T-Ball. At the time he just helped coach his daughters’ team which is where most parents start. He learned a great deal from Ken and Rosemary Roadhouse who were running baseball in Cottam at the time. Eventually Rick was handed the reins from Ken and Rosemary and became President of Cottam Minor Baseball around 1998 and continued in this position until 2016. Fast forward to 2022 and he has stepped up to the plate once again to assume the role of President of Cottam Baseball.

Nicole Chauvin


Nicole has been involved in Cottam Baseball since she first joined T-Ball back in 1994 and continued to play until she turned 16 and Cottam really had nowhere else for her to go. Throughout highschool she successfully made the girls softball team each year. Once she turned 18 she continued her baseball by playing on various adult co-ed teams. Now her daughter is going to start T-ball and Nicole has once again stepped up to the plate and with her decades of on the field experience will be a great asset to the board.

Anita Mayea


For as long as Rick was, and continues to be, involved in Cottam Baseball Anita has been there as well. From coaching, running the concession stand, keeping things organized, and truly understanding the benefits of minor baseball for our youth Anita has always been an advocate of Cottam Minor Baseball.

Ashley Speelman


Like her sister Nicole, Ashley started in T-Ball in 1997 and continued on nearly the exact path, playing until 16, making the highschool teams 4 years in a row, and continuing to play various adult womens and co-ed teams. The skills she offers the board as treasurer are due to her progression at Starbucks where currently she manages a local store.

Cole Speelman


Cole is no doubt the one we look to for all things technical, such as our website, emails, facebook, instagram etc., his value to the board reaches beyond just technical skills. Cole understands how to brand baseball in Cottam and get the right messages at the right time. Having played baseball with Riverside Minor Baseball as a child, he also shares the love of baseball and understands the positive effects within our community. 

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