Pictures Have Arrived
Your pictures are in and ready to be picked up. They will be placed on my front porch at 154 Fox St, Cottam each morning around 8:00. They will be
Picture Day Confusion
Sorry for the confusion, however picture day is actually Thursday July 21st, same time slots.
Why cancel all baseball on Soccer Day of Champions?
Well for many reasons. FIRST and foremost it’s their Day of Champions (DoC), their wrap up, and they deserve the run of the park without other groups interfering. SECOND, respect
Where are the shirts! They’ve arrived!
I’ve been asked that question several times and I know we are all excited to get our shirts. So am I. I’ve been notified that are shirts should be in
Our season is starting! Hurray!
As we move into the baseball season we welcome the laughter and excitement this brings. We all look forward to our child’s first hit, and many other memories. We also
Wait! Cottam Adult Co-ed Baseball is not Running?
We had high hopes that we could get Cottam Adult Baseball off the ground and running. We ran Facebook ads, posts, word of mouth, we even had a meeting with